Welcome to the site! I’m hoping it will evolve into something more than a jumble of my words and cheap stock photography, but Rome wasn’t built in a small room in Guildford, you know. At least, I don’t think it was. The history books could be wrong…
But I digress!
This site exists to:
Let me tell you a bit about myself and what I’m up to. (Lord. Already it sounds dreadful.)
Give you a portal to get in touch with me about anything you’d like to share. (No, not getting much better, is it? And I can’t think of a better word than ‘portal’. How about ‘conduit’? No. That’s even worse.)
Give me something else to worry about. (Yes. This last point rings true, although I suppose it’s irrelevant to you. Sorry.)
And there you have it! Possibly the worst ‘Welcome page’ in the history of ‘Welcome pages’. But it’s sincere, so I’d feel a fraud rewriting it, substituting ‘Hello!’ for ‘Hi!’ and making extravagant claims that neither of us would believe.
I hope it gets better (which should be my motto) and I hope you enjoy this site, my book, and the rest of your day.
Thanks for popping in and don’t be a stranger!