It’s late as I write this. Almost midnight. That time of the evening where the last drink is ready to be poured and I might as well give some consideration as to whether it’s been a good day or not. I got a lot of writing done. I’ll see if it’s any good tomorrow. I took a walk on the Downs, which always makes me feel better. The sky looked amazing. And I took a few steps forward in terms of launching this site.
It’s early as I write this. I’ve penned a few things for this little corner of the internet, but An Accident in Paris is yet to launch and the pages you’re currently reading still have many hoops to jump through before they’re live. (Can pages jump through hoops? I don’t know. Like I said, it’s late…)
I’m hoping this site will evolve into a fun little place to visit. I’ll update it with my news and views and give you the heads up about things I’m releasing that might be of interest. I tend to work in differing genres – thrillers one day, sci-fi the next and historical fiction at the weekend. That could put some people off, which I get. Or some of you might like the variety. Fingers crossed it’s the latter!
In the near future I’ve got plenty of stuff lined up relating to An Accident in Paris, so I suspect that will be predominate initially. But I’ve some very different and hugely exciting projects towards the end of 2022 which I really hope you’ll be engaged by.
If you want to keep in the loop, stick your name down and join the Collinson Club. Want help with anything? See if I can lend a hand. Or if there’s anything you’d like to see on the site, let me know and simply write me a line.
I hope you enjoy the site, and thanks for dropping by!
Right, it’s past midnight, and that bottle of Glenlivet’s is not going to finish itself…